Barry Eichengreen | “Exorbitant Privilege: The Rise and Fall of the Dollar and the future of the International Monetary System”

Barry Eichengreen View, print, and share the event flyer here! Podcast: If you missed Dr. Eichengreen’s presentation or would like to hear it again, check-out the podcast of the program on KSKA by clicking here. Bio: Barry Eichengreen is the George C. Pardee and Helen N. Pardee Professor of Economics and Professor of Political Science […]
John Donvan & Dr. Thad Woodard | “Autism: A Global Story”

Come be a part of the interactive radio audience for KSKA’s “Line One: Your Health Connection”! John Donvan & Dr. Thad Woodard View, print, and share the event flyer here! Podcast: If you missed Mr. Donvan and Dr. Woodard’s discussion or would like to hear it again, check-out the podcast of the program on KSKA […]
Daniel Carlson | “Natural Gas as the 21st Century Economic Game Changer”

The Alaska World Affairs Council Presents The Northrim Bank Oil and Gas Series Daniel Carlson View, print, and share the event flyer here! Podcast: If you missed Mr. Carlson’s presentation or would like to hear it again, check-out the podcast of the program on KSKA by clicking here. Presentation: To view Mr. Carlson’s PowerPoint presentation, click […]
Paul Dunscomb | “Postwar Japan is Over: So Why Isn’t It?”

Paul Dunscomb Podcast: If you missed Dr. Dunscomb’s presentation or would like to hear it again, check-out the podcast of the program on KSKA by clicking here. Bio: Paul Dunscomb is Professor of East Asian History at the University of Alaska Anchorage and was founding Director of the UAA Confucius Institute. He has a BS […]
Jocelyn Clark | “Horse Dancing Over the Fences of Tradition: Korea, YouTube, and the Marketing of Culture in the 21st Century”

Jocelyn Clark **Special Introduction by Lt. Governor Mead Treadwell** Podcast: If you missed Dr. Clark’s presentation or would like to hear it again, check-out the podcast of the program on KSKA by clicking here. Dr. Jocelyn Clark, a Juneau-native and professor of International Studies at Pai Chai University in S. Korea, will explore the issues […]
“Alaskans on the Ground: Experiences in Afghanistan”

Alaskan Service Personnel Podcast: If you missed the panelists’ presentation or would like to hear it again, check-out the podcast of the program on KSKA by clicking here. Four Alaskan Service Personnel who recently returned from Afghanistan will share their insights on this overseas duty. PANELISTS Army Major Jeanette Kautzman: Major Janette L. Kautzman grew […]
Jack Perkowski | “China in Transition: Opportunities in the Next Ten Years”

Jack Perkowski Podcast: If you missed Mr. Perkowski’s presentation or would like to hear it again, check-out the podcast of the program on KSKA by clicking here. Bio: Upon graduating Cum Laude from Yale and with High Distinction from the Harvard Business School where he was named a Baker Scholar, Jack spent twenty years on […]
Christopher A. Preble | “From Triad to Dyad: Rationalizing U.S. Nuclear Weapons Delivery Systems”

Christopher A Preble, Vice President for Defense and Foreign Policy Studies at the Cato Institute Podcast: If you missed Dr. Preble’s presentation or would like to hear it again, check-out the podcast of the program on KSKA by clicking here. Blog: Read AKWorld’s blog entry about Christopher Preble’s upcoming program by clicking here. Bio: Christopher A. […]
Mikkal Herberg | “Alaska LNG Opportunities: Prospects in Japan, China, and other Asian Markets”

The Alaska World Affairs Council Presents The Northrim Bank Oil and Gas Series Mikkal Herberg Blog: Read AKWorld’s blog entry about Mikkal Herberg’s program by clicking here. Podcast: If you missed Dr. Herberg’s presentation or would like to hear it again, check-out the podcast of the program on KSKA by clicking here. Alaska Dispatch: Read an […]
Farideh Farhi | “Iran’s Nuclear Policy and its Impact on the Region”

Farideh Farhi Podcast: If you missed Dr. Farhi’s presentation or would like to hear it again, check-out the podcast of the program on KSKA by clicking here. Blog: Read AKWorld’s blog entry about Farideh Farhi’s program by clicking here. Video: Watch AKWorld President Lise Falskow interview Dr. Farhi in a special report by clicking here. […]