Lieutenant Governor Mead Treadwell, Former Governor Steve Cowper, & Willie Hensley | “I Can See Russia From Here…”

Lieutenant Governor Mead Treadwell, Former Governor Steve Cowper, & Willie Hensley Podcast: If you missed the panel discussion or would like to hear it again, check-out the podcast of the program on Alaska Public Media by clicking here. To read the special Friendship Flight insert distributed at the program, click here. To view photos from […]
David Goldwyn | “Energy and Security: Strategies for a World in Transition”

The Alaska World Affairs Council Presents The Shell Oil & Gas Series David Goldwyn Check-out this neat interview with Lori Townsend of APRN and David Goldwyn. Slides: Want to look through slides provided by Mr. Goldwyn to complement his presentation? Click here! Podcast: If you missed Mr. Goldwyn’s presentation or would like to hear it […]
Not My Life: Slavery in Anchorage??

Not My Life with panel discussion afterward Podcast: If you missed panel discussion or would like to hear it again, check-out the podcast of the program on Alaska Public Media by clicking here. View, print, and share the event flyer here! Watch a trailer for Not My Life here! Bios: Robin Bronen Robin Bronen currently […]
Trond-Erik Johansen | “Getting Alaska Back on the Global Energy Map”

The Alaska World Affairs Council Presents The Northrim Bank Oil and Gas Series Trond-Erik Johansen *With special guest introduction by Joseph Beedle, President & CEO, Northrim Bank Podcast: If you missed Mr. Johansen’s presentation or would like to hear it again, check-out the podcast of the program on Alaska Public Media by clicking here. Slides: Want […]
Dr. Steve Fabes | “Biking Without Borders: Two Wheels, Six Continents & the Neglected Tropical Diseases”

Dr. Steve Fabes *With special guest introduction by Steve Lindbeck, CEO & General Manager of Alaska Public Media Podcast: If you missed Dr. Fabes’ presentation or would like to hear it again, check-out the podcast of the program on Alaska Public Media by clicking here. View, print, and share the event flyer here! Bio: Steve […]
Ambassador David Balton | “U.S. Leadership in an Emerging Arctic”

Ambassador David Balton Podcast: If you missed Ambassador Balton’s presentation or would like to hear it again, check-out the podcast of the program on Alaska Public Media by clicking here. Bios: Ambassador David Balton David A. Balton is the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Oceans and Fisheries in the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and […]
Bard O’Neill | “Inside the Mind of a Terrorist”

Bard O’Neill *With special guest introduction by UAA Chancellor Tom Case Podcast: If you missed Dr. O’Neill’s presentation or would like to hear it again, check-out the podcast of the program on Alaska Public Media by clicking here. View, print, and share the event flyer here! Bio: Dr. Bard E. O’Neill is Professor of International […]
Ambassador Ashok Kumar Mirpuri | Summer Ambassador Series

Ambassador Ashok Kumar Mirpuri Podcast: If you missed Ambassador Mirpuri’s presentation or would like to hear it again, check-out the podcast of the program on KSKA by clicking here. Bio: Mr Ashok Kumar Mirpuri took up his appointment as Singapore’s Ambassador to the United States of America in July 2012. Prior to his current appointment, […]
Lewis Simons | “The Obama Administration’s Pivot from the Middle East to Asia…”

Lewis Simons “The Obama Administration’s Pivot from the Middle East to Asia: Opportunities for Alaska and the Entire West Coast” View, print, and share the event flyer here! Bio: Pulitzer Prize winner Lewis M. Simons began his career as a foreign correspondent in 1967, at the height of the Vietnam War. He saw the war […]
Clyde Prestowitz | “The Betrayal of American Prosperity…”

Clyde Prestowitz View, print, and share the event flyer here! Bio: Clyde Prestowitz is founder and President of the Economic Strategy Institute. His leadership has propelled ESI into an important role in the public policy process, influencing and often defining the terms of the debate in the areas of international trade policy, economic competitiveness, and […]