The Alaska World Affairs Council and the Anchorage School District teamed up on February 28th, 2018 to offer a jump start to high school students considering international options in their post-secondary journeys.
In attendance were:
- 113 high school juniors and seniors from 14 schools in the Anchorage, Eagle River, and Mat-Su area;
- 29 mentors, representing 12 different industries and 26 companies/organizations; and
- 13 organizations providing information at resource tables.
This event would not have been possible without the support from Alaska Airlines and BP.
The Alaska World Affairs Council and the Anchorage School District (ASD) have teamed up to offer a jump start to high school students considering international options in their postsecondary journeys.
This event will include:
- Opening remarks by ASD Superintendent, Dr. Deena Bishop.
- An informational presentation by the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education guiding students through tools for identifying careers that connect with their interests and ways to fund their postsecondary learning.
- Small-group sessions with mentors from a wide spectrum of industries with international scope.
- Free-form networking with mentors and representatives from relevant organizations sharing resources for further discovery.
- Lunch from Wild Fork Catering.
Participating students will walk away with the information needed to dive into their postsecondary planning with real-life insights and advice from the people who have stood in their shoes.
Participating Mentors include:
- Tanya Bratslavsky, Principal Engineer at BCE, Inc.
- Larry Cash, CEO at RIM Architects
- LaQuita Chmielowski, Principal, Land Planning & Civil Engineering Manager at Enterprise Engineering
- Alberto Cortes, Senior Project Lead at ConocoPhillips
- Julie Decker, Director/CEO at the Anchorage Museum
- Thomas Doolittle, Deputy Assistant Regional Director of the Office of Subsistence Management at the US Department of the Interior
- Paul Dunscomb, Professor & Department Chair at the University of Alaska Anchorage
- Lise Falskow, President & CEO at the Alaska World Affairs Council and Norwegian Honorary Consul for Alaska
- Anthony Gasbarro, Extension Forestry Specialist at the University of Alaska
- Jason Hodges, Executive Director at the Anchorage Concert Association
- Nick Kellie, COO & Engineer at K2 Dronotics, LLC
- Leila Kimbrell, State Director of the Office of US Senator Lisa Murkowski
- David Knapp, Head of Control at BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.
- Sonia Laughland, Environmental & Regulatory Advisor at ExxonMobil
- Major Derek Loveland, Campaign Planner at Alaskan Command
- George Martinez, Special Assistant to the Mayor at the Municipality of Anchorage
- Danial Mitchell, Audit Managing Director at KPMG LLP
- Tara Mogan, Senior Center Director at USO Alaska
- John Moore, Senior Advisor, Public & Government Affairs at ExxonMobil
- Lt. Col. Tyler Moore, Homeland Defense Planner at Alaskan Command
- Stephen Nuss, Engineering Division Director at Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility
- LCDR Patrick Prag, Chief of Analysis at Alaskan Command
- Bear Remien, Lead Systems Architect at Resource Data, Inc.
- Meredyth Richards, Petroleum Engineer at BP
- Deborah Smith, Chief Magistrate Judge at the U.S. District Court
- William Templin, Chief Fisheries Scientist for Salmon at Alaska Department of Fish & Game
- Julia Tucker, Attorney at the Law Office of Julia Tucker, LLC
- Lyn Whitley, Retired Corporate Communications in Banking & Healthcare professional
Participating Resource Organizations include:
- Alaska Commission on Postseconday Education
- Alaska Pacific University
- Alaska World Affairs Council
- Anchorage Sister Cities Commission
- ASD Career Resources
- ASSES Foreign Student Exchange Program
- Junior Achievement of Alaska, Inc.
- Model United Nations of Alaska
- Peace Corps
- University of Alaska Anchorage
- University of Alaska Anchorage – Education Abroad
- Welcoming Anchorage
2018 Speed Mentoring Recap & Photos
In attendance were 113 high school juniors and seniors from 14 schools in the Anchorage, Eagle River, and Mat-Su area. 29 mentors, representing 12 different industries and 26 companies/organizations were able to share their experiences with the students. After the mentoring, 13 organizations participated by providing information at resource tables.
More photos and a Speed Mentoring video can be found on our Facebook page.
Thank you!
This event is made possible thanks to the generous support of: