National WACA KNOW NOW Call-In: After the Arctic Ice Melts


Tuesday, May 7, 2019    
10:00 am - 10:30 am

Event Type

This free program is a part of The World Affairs Councils of America (WACA) conference call series KNOW NOW. These calls feature global thought leaders hosted by WACA, as well as local authorities in government, business, academia, and cultural fields who are identified and moderated by local Councils, using the national conference call platform to bring local and national issues of global dimensions to our network. This month’s KNOW NOW conference call features the Alaska World Affairs Council, and their chosen speaker, Hon. Fran Ulmer

Register for the call in here

Join AKWorld’s President & CEO, Lise Falskow, who will be moderating this program featuring Former Lt. Gov & Chair of the U.S. Arctic Research Commission Fran Ulmer for a conversation about the Arctic.

The Arctic has been warming almost twice as quickly as the rest of the planet and its effects can be felt worldwide. Research thus far shows the warming Arctic impacts weather patterns as far away as mid-latitude areas like California by weakening the jet stream. Colder water in the Pacific Northwest is becoming more acidic and unstable for farming shellfish, while melting permafrost and coastal erosion in Alaska is causing infrastructure collapse and loss of biodiversity.

Lise Falskow, President and CEO

If you missed Hon. Ulmer’s January presentation for the Alaska World Affairs Council, this call-in event is the perfect way to engage in a similar discussion that is now being talked about at the national level for all World Affairs Council’s across the United States. Register online utilizing the link above.