Located between Alaska and Russia, the Bering Strait is the only marine gateway between the Arctic and the Pacific Ocean. At its narrowest point, the strait is only 55 miles wide. Although narrow, it is teeming with wildlife and communities where subsisting off land continues to be the central component of their identity.
As Arctic sea ice continues to melt earlier in the season, more and more ships are beginning to use this narrow gateway. The Bering Strait is both a bottleneck and a pathway.
Join Gail Schubert, President & CEO of Bering Straits Native Corporation for an in-depth discussion about the Arctic port, Arctic transportation, interactions with Russia, resource development in the Arctic and preservation of Arctic resources for Arctic people.
Gail Anagick Schubert is the President & CEO of Bering Straits Native Corporation (BSNC), an Alaska Native regional corporation serving seventeen villages in the Bering Strait region. Gail is an original shareholder of BSNC and the Unalakleet Native Corporation. She is Inupiaq Eskimo and was born and raised in Unalakleet, Alaska. Gail serves on the boards of the ANCSA Regional Association, the Alaska Federation of Natives, the Arctic Economic Council, the Native American Contractors Association, Akeela Treatment Services and the Alaska Native Justice Center. Gail earned her undergraduate degree from Stanford University, an MBA from Cornell University’s Johnson School of Management, and her law degree from the Cornell Law School. Gail is an ATHENA society member, YWCA Woman of Achievement awardee, and a 2014 recipient of the Northwest Indian Bar Association’s Unsung Hero Award.
Program Details
- Check-in will begin at 11:30am with seating available on a first-come first-serve basis. The program will begin at noon.
- Those with online reservations do not need to present ticket confirmation at the door, we will have all confirmed attendees on a list at check-in.
- Lunch at this program will be available for individual order and purchase from 49th State Brewing Co. If you wish to do so, plan on arriving early to ensure you receive your meal by the end of the program.
- Online registration will close at midnight on April 11, 2018. Remaining tickets will be available for purchase the day of the program at the door from 11:30am.
Complimentary parking is available in nearby EasyPark Alaska lots for individuals who preregister online by the September 6th deadline to attend this program. Successful registrants will receive an email the day before to the program with parking details.
High school and full-time college students who register in advance receive complimentary admission and a voucher for a lunch item of their choosing thanks to the generous support of BP.