Following his presentation at 49th State, we invite you to attend an intimate coffee chat at Kaladi Brothers with author Ken Ballen. He will be talking about his book Terrorists in Love: True Life Stories of Islamic Radicals.
This event is free for Silver Members & Above. All else interested may purchase a ticket for $35. Space is limited to 15 individuals – so reserve your spots today!
Ken Ballen is President and founder of Terror Free Tomorrow. Ballen has spent nearly two decades on the frontlines of law enforcement, international relations, intelligence oversight and congressional investigations. As a federal prosecutor, Ballen successfully convicted international terrorists. He also prosecuted major figures in organized crime, international narcotics and one of the first cases in the United States involving illegal financing for Middle Eastern terrorists.
Ballen served as Counsel to the House Iran-Contra Committee, where he was a lead investigator responsible for questioning key witnesses during the nationally televised hearings. Among other assignments on Capitol Hill, Ballen also was Chief Counsel to a bi-partisan Senate special investigative committee and Chief Counsel to the House Steering and Policy Committee, where he directed initiatives on crime prevention, intelligence oversight and select national security matters for the U.S. House of Representatives.
Ballen has regularly contributed to CNN, and its companion website CNN.com. His articles have also been published in the Washington Post, Financial Times, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal and the Christian Science Monitor, among others.