The Alaska World Affairs Council Presents
The Northrim Bank Oil and Gas Series
Margo Thorning
View Dr. Thorning’s slides from the program by clicking here.
If you missed Dr. Thorning’s presentation or would like to hear it again, check-out the podcast of the program on KSKA by clicking here.
Read AKWorld’s blog entry about Dr. Thorning by clicking here.
View AKWorld’s CEO Lise Falskow’s interview with Dr. Thorning by clicking here.
Margo Thorning is senior vice president and chief economist with the American Council for Capital Formation and director of research for its public policy think tank. Dr. Thorning also serves as the managing director of the International Council for Capital Formation ( The ICCF is a Brussels-based affiliate of the ACCF.
In North America, Dr. Thorning has frequently testified as an expert witness on capital formation, tax, energy and environmental policies before multiple U.S. congressional committees, including the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, the Senate Finance Committee, the House Ways and Means Committee and the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. Thorning has also traveled coast to coast to present findings to state and local lawmakers, business organizations and the media on the economic impact of climate change policies on local job and economic growth.
The U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development invited her to deliver a presentation “Investing in Energy and Industrial Development: Challenges and Opportunities.” Thorning also served on DOE’s Electricity Advisory Board’s Subcommittee on Standards of Conduct and Corporate Practices and has testified before the Senate of Canada on that country’s proposals for tax reform.
Dr. Thorning is an internationally recognized expert on tax, environmental, and competitiveness issues. She writes and lectures on tax and economic policy, is frequently quoted and has op-eds published in publications such as the Financial Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and E&E Daily and has appeared internationally on public affairs news programs. Dr. Thorning has made presentations on the economic impact of climate change policy at in China, India, other Asian countries, the European Union, and Russia.
Dr. Thorning is co-editor of numerous books on tax and environmental policy, including “Climate Change Policy and Economic Growth: A Way Forward to Ensure Both” and “The U.S. Savings Challenge: Policy Options for Productivity and Growth.” (See and for complete list of publications.)
Previously, Dr. Thorning served at the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Commerce, and the Federal Trade Commission.
Dr. Thorning received a B.A. from Texas Christian University, an M.A. in economics from the University of Texas, and a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Georgia.
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