The Alaska World Affairs Council Presents
The Northrim Bank Oil and Gas Series

“The Last, Best Chance for North American Energy Security”
Special Introduction by Senator Mark Begich
“Gaining Ground: Outlook for Alaska Oil and Gas Development in Federal Lands and Waters”
Friday, 3rd February, 2012 – Dena’ina Tikahtnu Ballroom B
Doors open at 11:30 a.m. – Program begins at 12:00 p.m. and will finish at 1:30 pm
For Reservations
RSVP by Wednesday, 1st February
to the Alaska World Affairs Council
by telephone 276-8038 or
by email to .
Lunch Program $30 for Members – $35 for Non-Members – $15 for Coffee and Dessert
Managing Director, Research
ClearView Energy Partners, LLC
Energy analyst Kevin Book has a reputation for tackling the controversial, inscrutable and hard-to-quantify questions at the core of U.S. and international energy policy. For nearly a decade, financial investors and corporate strategic planners have relied on Kevin’s research to answer two big questions: “what will happen next?” and “what will it mean?” Kevin’s coverage includes: oil, gas and refining; power generation, clean tech and green energy; climate and emissions policy and energy geopolitics.
ClearView’s independent, data-backed and transparent research examines the decision processes that shape energy policy outcomes. The firm’s analytical toolkit marries policy analysis with economic forecasting and incorporates hundreds of quantitative, qualitative and ordinal frameworks to define possible scenarios and quantify potential supply, demand and/or price outcomes.
Kevin worked previously as Senior Vice President of Energy Policy, Oil and Alternative Energy Research at FBR Capital Markets Corporation. He holds an M.A.L.D from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and a B.A. in economics from Tufts University.